Pink Floyd and a lace bra

Life is a short, warm moment And death is a long cold rest. You get your chance to try in the twinkling of an eye: Eighty years,...

The man who missed the moonlight

The moonlight is lovely tonight. But I didn’t mean to write about this; my intention was to talk about a man who missed the moonlight. (What...

Charlie Parker’s ornithology

Trumpeter Dizzy Gillespie writes a phrase of «Be-Bop» music on the blackboard in New York, May 1, 1947. (AP Photo) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “It's just music. It's playing...

Men that didn’t go to school and changed the world

There's something just as inevitable as death. And that's life. Charlie Chaplin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After “Bad pupils, ingenious adults” we go on with some people who either didn’t...

Where does the art go when it dies? To the museums

“It seems that the critics that prophesy the decline of civilization, they often presuppose that civilization is something fragile, preserved only thanks to the...

Birds of a feather flock together

Absalom, a forty-three year old man and a connoisseur of rock music in Kiato gave us a fair warning in the first place: “Rock...