To what extent are we free? – Experiments with the subconscious

The conclusion was the following: the scattered words with which the students were primed affected their behavior. They believed that they were patient because they meant to, because that was their disposition, because it was their decision.

The poverty of the people, the wealth of the nations

“Perfect democracy is where there are neither too poor, nor too wealthy citizens”. Thales of Miletus 643 – 548 B.C., ancient Greek philosopher “The most efficient...

A Fungus That Changed Human History

  The oldest, most powerful, most important and most populated organisms of the earth are the fungi. Within the human body there are more fungi...

Pick the wrong line – Asch’s experiment

Error (the belief in the ideal) is not blindness; error is cowardice Friedrich Nietzsche ~~~ Winthrop Niles Kellogg was a psychologist in the field of behaviorism. Just like...

There is no such thing as snow. Only snowflakes.

«They’re casting their problem on society. And, you know, there is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women…» Margaret Thatcher, talking...

A child that they named him Amadeus

Sometimes I wonder: If Mozart was born in our time, what kind of music would he write? Instrumental? Cinematic? Jazz? Or would he be...