The anarchists of the Tropics and the Twin Planet

It took three years to reach the Twin Planet. That was the name which spread widely right from the start since the other one,...

Dancing with the memories of an ephemeral life

All that you touch, All that you see, All that you taste, All you feel, All that you love, All that you hate All you...

A pelasgian gangster in Chicago

The elderly know of tales not penned to any book. Not those who live in a town, not those bragging that they are natives of...

99 before the chosen 1

“It seems to me anyway”, says a hoarse voice, “that, nevertheless, you know but only one story, my child, the story of the hundredth...

“Oh captain, my captain”

It’s always easier to blame others for what is happening in our lives. To pronounce ourselves helpless and alone, while facing a system which...

The man who wasn’t there

The man who wasn’t there was born on a rainy night. He had big, transparent eyes and long hair. The doctor told the postpartum...