Holocaust 201X AD

The horse wagons started from Thessaloniki, Budapest, Prague, Paris. Crammed in lots of 70, men, women, elderly and children. There was a barrel for their...

The Greek who murdered Kennedy

The wagon was primarily occupied by refugees from Iraq heading to the Promised Land, Europe. I was observing them and I was writing down...

The revenge of the lost children

-You know what I’m thinking? -What? -I wish I could go back and wipe them all. I wish I had superpowers, not like spiderman, even stronger,...

Politicians’ neurological disorder

Oliver Sacks presents in his famous book “The man who mistook his wife for a hat” a unique case of optical agnosia. In this case...

The murderess naked

(First part here: "A pelasgian gangster in Chicago" http://sanejoker.info/en/2016/09/a-pelasgian-gangster-in-chicago.html) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I couldn’t sleep that night. It wasn’t just the heat which you could feel in your chest, it...

Your best self is waiting

Be yourself – it is one of the most common pieces of advice you will ever get – from song lyrics or even fridge...