Malcolm X, the portrait of a free man.

“Our position has never changed. If you sit at the back of the plane and it's going a hundred miles an hour, and you're on the back of the plane, well it can start going a thousand miles an hour; you're going faster, but you're still at the back of the plane. And that's the same way with the Negro in this society, we started out at the rear and we're still in the rear.”

The day that men will become Gods

The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for...

I consume, therefore I am

In Wim Wenders’ documentary film Buena Vista Social Club about the music of Cuba we see some great old-Cuban musicians playing music and talk...

The loneliness of the wise man

The wise man, namely Homo sapiens sapiens, is the only surviving species of its genus. This is somewhat unusual. The animals of most genera have...

We kill our grandchildren even before they are born

“The planet is fine. The people are fucked.”George Carlin Maybe the title sounds provocative or melodramatic to you. It is something I tend to do....