Pink Floyd and a lace bra

Life is a short, warm moment And death is a long cold rest. You get your chance to try in the twinkling of an eye: Eighty years,...

The man who missed the moonlight

The moonlight is lovely tonight. But I didn’t mean to write about this; my intention was to talk about a man who missed the moonlight. (What...

Charlie Parker’s ornithology

Trumpeter Dizzy Gillespie writes a phrase of «Be-Bop» music on the blackboard in New York, May 1, 1947. (AP Photo) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “It's just music. It's playing...

Men that didn’t go to school and changed the world

There's something just as inevitable as death. And that's life. Charlie Chaplin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After “Bad pupils, ingenious adults” we go on with some people who either didn’t...

Birds of a feather flock together

Absalom, a forty-three year old man and a connoisseur of rock music in Kiato gave us a fair warning in the first place: “Rock...

Make something beautiful

Believe in nothing else but the beauty inside you. Don’t listen to them when they tell you that you can’t, ignore them. Listen to no...