Charlie Parker’s ornithology

Trumpeter Dizzy Gillespie writes a phrase of «Be-Bop» music on the blackboard in New York, May 1, 1947. (AP Photo) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “It's just music. It's playing...

The man who missed the moonlight

The moonlight is lovely tonight. But I didn’t mean to write about this; my intention was to talk about a man who missed the moonlight. (What...

Daniel Day-Lewis’ insane approach

I saw him for the first time in “My Left Foot”. A man condemned by fate and society to remain a trash, an effluvium...

Pink Floyd and a lace bra

Life is a short, warm moment And death is a long cold rest. You get your chance to try in the twinkling of an eye: Eighty years,...

Worshipping Freddie

“I would only believe in a god who knew how to dance.” Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Fr. Nietzsche “I won’t be a rock star. I will be...

Charles Bukowski: “It’s the only good fight there is”

Don’t try. Written on Charles Bukowski’s gravestone. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I write this on the occasion of the birthday of Charles Bukowski, but it is not his biography. Only...