How to castrate a genius – Alan Turing

Man is an ungrateful, featherless two-legged animal. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I don’t know how paradox it may sound what I’m about to tell you,...

We are captives – but we have Wi-Fi

“Do you know how the last Tasmanian tiger died?” Telemachus asked me in the car. He has always taken a keen interest in finding information...

I, jihadist

My name is Jamel Zarour. My parents came from Belkour, from Algers. My father was a furniture upholsterer. I never got to know him that much...

Did Einstein eat peas?

Now for something out of the ordinary because, as we all know, too much exposure to topicality causes severe and permanent damage to the...

The Chaos Theory – for dummies

"If a butterfly flaps its wings in China, it could cause a typhoon in Miami a month later." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Surely it has happened to you, at...

Holocaust 201X AD

The horse wagons started from Thessaloniki, Budapest, Prague, Paris. Crammed in lots of 70, men, women, elderly and children. There was a barrel for their...