The man caught between the doom and the stars

“And the Romans praised Janus, the God of peace and war, the God of all beginnings and all transitions” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thesis– Janus’ first face “The world began...

Ode to joy under pressure

It’s the terror of knowing what this world is about Watching some good friends screaming, «Let me out!» Under Pressure, Queen (fut. David Bowie) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sometimes I think,...

Where does the art go when it dies? To the museums

“It seems that the critics that prophesy the decline of civilization, they often presuppose that civilization is something fragile, preserved only thanks to the...

We are captives – but we have Wi-Fi

“Do you know how the last Tasmanian tiger died?” Telemachus asked me in the car. He has always taken a keen interest in finding information...

One more hour of eternal life

The radio plays all day long requiems, gospel music, oratorios, religious sonatas, laments and lamented songs. In between, “The Sermon on the Mount” as...

Only lovers left alive

-So, ah... what's the worst part about being old, Alvin? -The worst part of being old is rememberin' when you was young. Straight story, directed...