Only lovers left alive

-So, ah... what's the worst part about being old, Alvin? -The worst part of being old is rememberin' when you was young. Straight story, directed...

Women don’t kill dragons

Girls don't kill dragons In a village whose name I'd rather not mention lived a girl who craved to become a knight. Her name was...

Nip the buds, shoot the kids

"In one day one can experience the horrors of hell; there is plenty of time for that." Wittgenstein As a matter of fact, in this century...

Of mice and men – Choosing between fight and flight

Getting away with it, all messed up, that’s the living James ~~{}~~ Every animal that faces an enemy has but two choices: fight or flight. However, man has...

The incessant line of blood

“What is constant in history is greed and foolishness and a love of blood” All the pretty horses, Cormac McCarthy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "You don’t know me", Jerome said....

Show us your Achilles’ heel

«You are invulnerable, you have no Achilles’ heel.» Portrait of a Lady, T.S.Eliot ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I don’t know what we choose in our lives; and what chooses us. Things...