When almost naked, you look more erotic

“I have always said that a woman should be like a good horror film: the more space is left to the imagination, the better”Alfred...

The man who missed the moonlight

The moonlight is lovely tonight. But I didn’t mean to write about this; my intention was to talk about a man who missed the moonlight. (What...

The loneliness of the wise man

The wise man, namely Homo sapiens sapiens, is the only surviving species of its genus. This is somewhat unusual. The animals of most genera have...

JFK part2 – Lee Harvey Oswald and the man with...

First part: "The Greek who murdered Kennedy" http://sanejoker.info/en/2016/10/the-greek-who-murdered-kennedy.html ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I took a look around at the canteen. Most were fast asleep, let alone that more than...

Homo Sarcophilus

The Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) is the largest carnivorous marsupial – after the extinction of the Tasmanian tiger in 1936. It’s not bigger than a small dog,...

Enjoy your madness

  Madness runs in my blood. This is the only thing I inherited from my family. No fortune or business or even a damn field. Others...