Daniel Day-Lewis’ insane approach

I saw him for the first time in “My Left Foot”. A man condemned by fate and society to remain a trash, an effluvium...

Beetroots and aubergines for Tom Robbins

When I was twenty years old I was into great writers like Camus and Kafka. Chris was lending his father a hand at the...

Four concerts and a funeral for Bob Dylan

“I hate love” Stanley Kubrick ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2014, Greece If there was no death, life would be pointless, like an eternal carousel ride. You enjoy it, because you know...

Charles Bukowski: “It’s the only good fight there is”

Don’t try. Written on Charles Bukowski’s gravestone. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I write this on the occasion of the birthday of Charles Bukowski, but it is not his biography. Only...

Worshipping Freddie

“I would only believe in a god who knew how to dance.” Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Fr. Nietzsche “I won’t be a rock star. I will be...

The painter that killed Hitler

“I wasn’t eleven years old when I rebelled for the first time in my life. I didn’t want to be a clerk. I was...