A child that they named him Amadeus
Sometimes I wonder: If Mozart was born in our time, what kind of music would he write? Instrumental? Cinematic? Jazz? Or would he be...
A suicide’s gospel
“I know that each one of us travels alone to love, to faith and to death.”
Yannis Ritsos
“Of a book full of death, reading how...
Charles Bukowski: “It’s the only good fight there is”
Don’t try.
Written on Charles Bukowski’s gravestone.
I write this on the occasion of the birthday of Charles Bukowski, but it is not his biography. Only...
The painter that killed Hitler
“I wasn’t eleven years old when I rebelled for the first time in my life. I didn’t want to be a clerk. I was...
Malcolm X, the portrait of a free man.
“Our position has never changed. If you sit at the back of the plane and it's going a hundred miles an hour, and you're on the back of the plane, well it can start going a thousand miles an hour; you're going faster, but you're still at the back of the plane. And that's the same way with the Negro in this society, we started out at the rear and we're still in the rear.”
Men that didn’t go to school and changed the world
There's something just as inevitable as death. And that's life.
Charlie Chaplin
After “Bad pupils, ingenious adults” we go on with some people who either didn’t...