Daniel Day-Lewis’ insane approach
I saw him for the first time in “My Left Foot”. A man condemned by fate and society to remain a trash, an effluvium...
Beetroots and aubergines for Tom Robbins
When I was twenty years old I was into great writers like Camus and Kafka. Chris was lending his father a hand at the...
Four concerts and a funeral for Bob Dylan
“I hate love”
Stanley Kubrick
2014, Greece
If there was no death, life would be pointless, like an eternal carousel ride. You enjoy it, because you know...
Charles Bukowski: “It’s the only good fight there is”
Don’t try.
Written on Charles Bukowski’s gravestone.
I write this on the occasion of the birthday of Charles Bukowski, but it is not his biography. Only...
Worshipping Freddie
“I would only believe in a god who knew how to dance.”
Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Fr. Nietzsche
“I won’t be a rock star. I will be...
The painter that killed Hitler
“I wasn’t eleven years old when I rebelled for the first time in my life. I didn’t want to be a clerk. I was...