The murderess naked

(First part here: "A pelasgian gangster in Chicago" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I couldn’t sleep that night. It wasn’t just the heat which you could feel in your chest, it...

A pelasgian gangster in Chicago

The elderly know of tales not penned to any book. Not those who live in a town, not those bragging that they are natives of...

The banality of the banality of evil

“The most horrendous crimes have been committed by ordinary people.” Hannah Arendt “Politics is not the art of lying, it’s the art of speaking the minimal...

Nip the buds, shoot the kids

"In one day one can experience the horrors of hell; there is plenty of time for that." Wittgenstein As a matter of fact, in this century...

One more hour of eternal life

The radio plays all day long requiems, gospel music, oratorios, religious sonatas, laments and lamented songs. In between, “The Sermon on the Mount” as...

Ode to joy under pressure

It’s the terror of knowing what this world is about Watching some good friends screaming, «Let me out!» Under Pressure, Queen (fut. David Bowie) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sometimes I think,...