Thoughts of a child that was hunting comets

“When young, it is too soon, and when old, it is too late” Diogenis the Cynic “The young seek adventure, the old long for security.” Naguib Mahfouz                                                                                                 ~ I was eleven years...

Hamlet’s question

Some people say that man invented God as soon as they grasped their mortality. Some of our early anscestors perceived that death is the common...

Some will sell their dreams for small desires

“Life swings like a pendulum backward and forward between pain and boredom.” A. Schopenhauer “The void exists for as long as you are not falling into...

I, jihadist

My name is Jamel Zarour. My parents came from Belkour, from Algers. My father was a furniture upholsterer. I never got to know him that much...

Daniel Day-Lewis’ insane approach

I saw him for the first time in “My Left Foot”. A man condemned by fate and society to remain a trash, an effluvium...

Even cowboys get the blues

Annie Proulx is one of the most renowned American writers, way above the average. Her books have been awarded with the Pulitzer Prize, National Book...