JFK part2 – Lee Harvey Oswald and the man with...

First part: "The Greek who murdered Kennedy" http://sanejoker.info/en/2016/10/the-greek-who-murdered-kennedy.html ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I took a look around at the canteen. Most were fast asleep, let alone that more than...

Women don’t kill dragons

Girls don't kill dragons In a village whose name I'd rather not mention lived a girl who craved to become a knight. Her name was...

The incessant line of blood

“What is constant in history is greed and foolishness and a love of blood” All the pretty horses, Cormac McCarthy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "You don’t know me", Jerome said....

The man who became god

«Oh, do not mourn», he said. «Our souls are love and an eternal farewell» W.B. Yeats, Ephemera ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are no mountains, there are no summits free...

The Greek who murdered Kennedy

The wagon was primarily occupied by refugees from Iraq heading to the Promised Land, Europe. I was observing them and I was writing down...

A 5-dog-night with Nina Simone

“My dog is an atheist: he no longer believes in me.” François Cavanna ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Aborigines, the indigenous peoples of Australia survived as hunter-gatherers for 40,000 years...