JFK part2 – Lee Harvey Oswald and the man with...
First part: "The Greek who murdered Kennedy" http://sanejoker.info/en/2016/10/the-greek-who-murdered-kennedy.html
I took a look around at the canteen. Most were fast asleep, let alone that more than...
Women don’t kill dragons
Girls don't kill dragons
In a village whose name I'd rather not mention lived a girl who craved to become a knight.
Her name was...
The incessant line of blood
“What is constant in history is greed and foolishness and a love of blood”
All the pretty horses, Cormac McCarthy
"You don’t know me", Jerome said....
The man who became god
«Oh, do not mourn», he said. «Our souls are love and an eternal farewell»
W.B. Yeats, Ephemera
There are no mountains, there are no summits free...
The Greek who murdered Kennedy
The wagon was primarily occupied by refugees from Iraq heading to the Promised Land, Europe. I was observing them and I was writing down...
A 5-dog-night with Nina Simone
“My dog is an atheist: he no longer believes in me.”
François Cavanna
The Aborigines, the indigenous peoples of Australia survived as hunter-gatherers for 40,000 years...