Albert Camus: A rebellious man

“…privileged to live one day as free people, namely as people who refuse to exert, as well as to be subject to atrocity.” Albert Camus ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Imagine...

Did Einstein eat peas?

Now for something out of the ordinary because, as we all know, too much exposure to topicality causes severe and permanent damage to the...

How to castrate a genius – Alan Turing

Man is an ungrateful, featherless two-legged animal. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I don’t know how paradox it may sound what I’m about to tell you,...

The second life I never lived, the flawless life

“The only man who never makes mistakes is the man who never does anything.” Theodore Roosevelt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We should live two lives. One is not enough. The first one should...

Show us your Achilles’ heel

«You are invulnerable, you have no Achilles’ heel.» Portrait of a Lady, T.S.Eliot ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I don’t know what we choose in our lives; and what chooses us. Things...

Children need parents, not servants

  A beautiful spring day when the sun made its appearance again after a short break, I took my son to the neighborhood’s playground. As...