Breivik’s lice

When we were children, we used to catch lice very often; especially when we went to the village, where our favourite place for exploration...

Pamela Anderson in the desert

First part: "Stratos Dionysiou at Mount Sinai" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time is way more mysterious than space. Einstein blundered by placing them as roommates, turned them into...

Stratos Dionysiou at Mount Sinai

It is written in the caves of Altamira, at the Dead Sea Scrolls and at the Ouija boards of Middle Ages: The world began...

JFK part2 – Lee Harvey Oswald and the man with...

First part: "The Greek who murdered Kennedy" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I took a look around at the canteen. Most were fast asleep, let alone that more than...

The Greek who murdered Kennedy

The wagon was primarily occupied by refugees from Iraq heading to the Promised Land, Europe. I was observing them and I was writing down...

The goat-legged’s legend about deluge

(Before the deluge: “A pelasgian gangster in Chicago” "The murderess naked" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I love the rain, the sea and the rivers. And the lakes too, but most of...