Post modern Holocaust

The post-modern holocaust is completed in four stages. Cultural extermination Moral extermination Financial extermination Literal extermination    ~~{}~~ Culture is man’s conscience. Cultural indigence is the primary form of violence, no...

How to castrate a genius – Alan Turing

Man is an ungrateful, featherless two-legged animal. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I don’t know how paradox it may sound what I’m about to tell you,...

Imagination and game

In art (and life, too) there is passive and active imagination. We tap into passive imagination to grasp the art of the others. To feel a...

40 years in the shade

The woman that enters the café must be around 65 years old. She is well-dressed, made-up, smiling from ear to ear. “I wait for company”...

Adultery makes the world go round

   Madame Bovary’s approach and the Coolidge effect ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One of the biggest conventional lies is that human beings are monogamous creatures. This is the basis for...

The banality of good

"Breathe, breathe in the air. Don't be afraid to care"Breathe, Pink Floyd ~~~~~~~~~~Five times I started writing...